Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Medical Check Up

05th Aug 2008- Chennai- Today I got my test result and met with my docter my test results were as follows:-


Total W.B.C Count 7200 Cell/cu,mm
Toatl R.B.C Count 6.4 Million cells/cu,mm
Hemaglobin 19.2 Gms/%
Packed volume cell 58.0%
MCV 93
MCH 31
Platelet Count 2.1 lakshs/cu,mm

Differential Count

Polymorphs 68%
Lymphocytes 28%
Eosinophilis 04%
Monocyte 00%


Blood Sugar (F) 108.0 mg/dl
Blood Urea 34.0 mg/dl
Creatinine 1.4 mg/dl
Uric Acid 5.8 mg/dl
Total Bilurubin 1.0 mg/dl
Total Proteins 6.2 gm/dl
Albumin 3.8 gm/dl
Globuline 2.4 gm/dl
SGOT 41 u/l
SGPT 52 u/l
Alkaline Phosphatese 171 u/l
Calcium 8.9 mg/dl
Phosphorous 4.0 mg/dl
Sodium 139.o mEq/l
Pottassium 4.2 mEq/l
Biocarbanet 25.0 mEq/l


Total Cholestrol 210.0 mg/dl
Triglycerides 187.0 mg/dl
HDL Cholestrol 36.0 mg/dl
LDL Cholestrol 137.0 mg/dl
VLDL Cholestrol 37.0 mg/dl

Monday, August 4, 2008


Male'/Banglore/ Chennai - 03rd Aug 2008- Kept waiting in the restaurent at Male International airport just having one coffee all by myself. Left Male' delayed as usual as flight are made to be delayed. On board IC966 had an indian lucnh which consit of rice, dhal curry, and some sort of chicken curry which was tasty. And not to forget the desert sweet pirinee sort of thing. Landed in Banglore at abt 1440 hrs. Had to rush to buy a ticket from Indigo airlines cos they dont take dollars or international credit card. In here local thing are much better. International stuff don't work here. For 35 min flight I paid Rs. 3172 ( Adult Fare :Rs 500 + Taxes & Surcharge : 2675 funny ..) The flight was very comfortable and they served water those who wanted it. And since this is a budget flight if we want anything else we had to buy it. ( water btl, sandwich, biscuits etc..)